.....an American tradition from the Atlantic to the Pacific Coast.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Bog Trains

The final photo is a curious one and has more to do with spring planting than fall harvest. But the trains! The trains, the little tracks, the little train beds, oh my! These engines were made by H. R. Bailey for cranberry bogs. Like those used in coal mining, these were more for carting cranberry vines to plant. The authors of Images of America: Carver really got my attention by suggesting that the man in the first car is believed to be Russell Trufant. That IS jaw dropping isn’t it? You see, there is a Russell Trufant Rd. close to our house. Who is he? Did he live here in North Carver? Since these photos aren’t dated, do you see any clues that might put these in an approximate time frame?
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Bog Railroad For Sale. Click here for 1936 Ad.